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09/2019 posts

Straw bale, strohballen, strobaal: reflections on the European Straw Bale Gathering 2019

Hosted by the UK for the first time last month,’s Sophie Paterson shares her reflections on the European Straw Bale Gathering 2019. Read more

The future of community-supported agriculture: Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm (Part 2)

This is part 2 of a conversation with Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm. In Part 1 we talked about why CSA farms are such a good idea. This time we talk more about Sutton Community Farm and the future of community-supported agriculture within the food industry. Read more

Does anybody fancy a free, one-day course on the viable system model (VSM)?

Dave Darby of | 22-Sep-2019 | 6

I recently interviewed Trevor Hilder, a specialist in the viable system model. I’ve been interested in it for a while, since I heard from credible sources that it could be a valuable tool for building the new economy. Read more

How to plaster straw-bale walls with clay: the first coat

Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares her top tips for how to plaster straw-bale walls with clay, beginning with the first, or base, coat. Read more

How to store apples over the winter: a brief guide

Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 17-Sep-2019 | 0

You’ve picked your apples but what to do now? Learn how to make the best of the harvest with Nick Mann’s brief guide to how to store apples over the winter. Read more

Why community farms are such a good idea: Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm (Part 1)

Today I’m talking with Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm. I’m interested in looking at how we produce food in the new economy. The current system is a disaster in terms of environment and wealth concentration. Read more

Job opportunity: fancy delivering veg boxes for Sutton Community Farm?

Here’s a delivery job with a difference, on offer from Sutton Community Farm in south London. It’s over to them to tell us more. Read more

September forage of the month with Ruby Taylor

Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 10-Sep-2019 | 4

Ruby Taylor of Native Hands shares her forage of the month for September, with stress-busting nettle seeds the star of the show as autumn approaches. Read more

Low-impact & the city 14: getting back on a bike after ten years

Dave Darby of | 08-Sep-2019 | 1

I’ve never been without a bike until recently. As far back into my childhood as I can remember, I always had one. A bike was always part of my life, part of me. Read more

Turn your grapes into wine with help from OrganicLea

Craig Bayne of Organic Lea | 06-Sep-2019 | 0

It’s that time of year again when the fab folks at OrganicLea invite grape-growing Londoners to join their community wine-making scheme. It’s over to Craig to tell us more, with a useful guide to harvesting grapes to boot. Read more

Getting started with fishing for food: Part 3 – Lobster pots

Jessie Watson Brown of | 03-Sep-2019 | 0

Ever fancied fishing for your supper but don’t know where to begin? In Part 3 of her Fishing for Food series, Jessie Watson Brown explores fishing with lobster pots. Possibly a more efficient approach to fishing – once you have put the pot in, it does the fishing for you, leaving you free for a… Continue reading Getting started with fishing for food: Part 3 – Lobster pots Read more

New planning developments might allow a lot more people to build their own home

Daniel Scharf of Dan the Plan | 01-Sep-2019 | 4

There have been some developments in the planning system that might allow a lot more people to build their own home. First, here’s some background. Read more

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