Info, news & debate

06/2019 posts

Will Facebook’s Libra coin conquer the world?

In the wake of Facebook’s recent announcement, community currency engineer Matthew Slater asks if Libra coin is poised to conquer the world. Read more

The Wool Journey Part 15: the final wool yarn package and packaging

The yarn is ready to package up at The Natural Fibre Company’s spinning mill, as Sue Blacker shares the final leg of The Wool Journey. Read more

Joining the dots of the climate crisis with Matthew Slater

Community currency engineer Matthew Slater shares his latest thoughts, joining the dots on the current climate crisis and what the near future may hold for human civilisation. Read more

Come to our public event on the Open Credit Network, July 18th, London

Dave Darby of | 23-Jun-2019 | 3

As you know if you follow this blog, and the Open Co-op have partnered up to build a mutual credit network for the UK, the Open Credit Network (OCN), and that we have people on board who are working to develop the ‘credit commons’ – a way of linking together mutual credit schemes anywhere… Continue reading Come to our public event on the Open Credit Network, July 18th, London Read more

Decentralised collaboration, Paul Mason and more: see you at OPEN 2019 next week?

We hear from Oliver Sylvester-Bradley about exciting opportunities to collaborate at the OPEN 2019 Community Gathering, taking place in London next week. Read more

Can you detox your plastic life and smash the MCS Plastic Challenge?

The Marine Conservation Society is challenging people to get through July single-use plastic free. Could you rise to the challenge? Clare Fischer explains how to take part. Read more

The Mushroom Guide Part 7: preparing mushroom spawn (2)

Mushroom grower extraordinaire Benedict Noel explains how to prepare mushroom spawn using a pressure cooker, as his Mushroom Guide series continues. Read more

Reflections on the CTRLshift gathering – an emergency summit for change

Dave Darby of | 16-Jun-2019 | 0

The stated aim of the annual CTRLshift gathering (that took place in Stoke-on-Trent recently) is to bring key people together to talk about practical steps to help shift power away from central government and multinational corporations, to communities and individuals. Well, you had me at ‘decentralisation’, so I went along. Read more

Why farm hedge trimming needs to change

Peter Hull of Natural England | 13-Jun-2019 | 19

Destroyed habitats, blocked drains and that’s just for starters. After decades working to support farming and agriculture in various government agencies, Peter Hull shares his views on why farm hedge trimming needs to change. Read more

In the meadow: rediscovering the extraordinary ordinary

Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 11-Jun-2019 | 0

As summertime nears, Nick Mann of Habitat Aid shares a snapshot of a Somerset meadow, rediscovering the extraordinary ordinary of the nature found within. Read more

Getting started with fishing for food: Part 1 – Gear

Jessie Watson Brown of | 06-Jun-2019 | 0

Ever fancied fishing for your supper but don’t know where to begin? In Part 1 of her new fishing for food series, Jessie Watson Brown tackles the gear you’ll need to get started, with the help of Charlie Loram. Read more

Develop skills at the Hillyfield barn-building project on Dartmoor this summer

Low-impact forestry hub and much more besides, the Hilliyfield are looking for volunteers to help with their barn-building project on Dartmoor this summer. Doug King-Smith tells us more. Read more

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