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    Mutual credit in Africa: interview with Will Ruddick of Grassroots Economics

    I’d like to introduce Will Ruddick, who set up the Grassroots Economics Foundation in Kenya around ten years ago, that runs a very successful mutual credit network (called the Sarafu Network) there. Read more

    Putting straw on the public building map: the UP STRAW 2020 Yearbook

    Eileen Sutherland shares highlights from the UP STRAW 2020 Yearbook, as this pioneering pan-European project putting straw on the public and urban building map enters its final phases this spring and summer. Read more

    New found freedom: WWOOFing as a digital nomad

    Scarlett Penn of WWOOF UK | 08-Apr-2021 | 0

    Are you a remote worker dreaming of pastures new? WWOOFer Imogen shares how her experience of WWOOFing as a digital nomad enabled her to combine making a living with meaningful volunteering. Read more

    Saving and investment in a mutual credit world

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 04-Apr-2021 | 12

    Nothing we do to try to move to a sustainable, healthy and democratic society will work as long as we have the current money system, because money has two conflicting functions. It can be used to buy and sell things, and it can be used to store, hoard, accumulate and become wealthy with. As long… Continue reading Saving and investment in a mutual credit world Read more

    A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets: Part 3

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 01-Apr-2021 | 0

    Our friends at Ethical.net share what to look for in local food and drink in their guide to farmers’ market shopping, plus how else to access sustainable produce from local producers. Read more

    Craft in a crisis: helping heritage crafts come back from the brink

    With a host of already endangered heritage crafts at even greater risk as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, what does the future hold and how can we play a part in helping heritage crafts survive and even thrive? Sophie Paterson explores. Read more

    New money stories: the eleven dollar bill

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 21-Mar-2021 | 7

    I’m writing a book – published by Chelsea Green next January – about the possibility of building a new economy around a moneyless, mutual credit core, at a time when money is going to be scarce. I’m often told that the best way to get new ideas across is with a story. Read more

    A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets: Part 2

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 18-Mar-2021 | 0

    In the second instalment of A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets, Elizabeth Waddington of Ethical.net explores how to find and what to expect at your local farmers’ market, as well as how to ensure your shop is as affordable as possible. Read more

    A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets: Part 1

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 10-Mar-2021 | 0

    Not sure how to make the most of your local farmers’ market? In the first part of A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets, Elizabeth Waddington of Ethical.net sets out how and why shopping at your local farmers’ market can make a real and positive difference. Read more

    Incredible new research: how small businesses can be saved post-Covid

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 07-Mar-2021 | 5

    It seems pretty obvious that there’s a giant economic slump on the way that’s going to sweep away millions of small and medium-sized businesses around the world, so that Amazon can step in to continue to try to take over the entire global economy. Read more

    In praise of the compost toilet: why I love compost loos

    In praise of the compost toilet, Lowimpact.org’s Sophie Paterson shares her love of compost loos, showcasing their versatility and practicality with a rundown of her favourites through the years. Read more

    How to start a community garden: Part 3

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 25-Feb-2021 | 0

    In the final instalment of how to start a community garden with Ethical.net, it’s time to address the key issues of planning and design, as well as how to make sure it’s sustainable in every way. Read more

    The Future of Money (Part 2): with Brett Scott

    This is part 2 of a conversation with Brett Scott, author and specialist in the money system. Here’s his excellent YouTube channel, and I’ll add links to other things we talk about as well. Part 1 is here. Read more

    How to start a community garden: Part 2

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 17-Feb-2021 | 1

    We explore the nuts and bolts of how to start a community garden with Ethical.net, this time tackling finding a site and first steps towards sourcing funding. Read more

    How to start a community garden: Part 1

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 10-Feb-2021 | 0

    With the UK lockdown ongoing, many of us will be dreaming of days when we can once again be out and about and active in our local community. With this in mind, we share a series from Ethical.net exploring how to start a community garden. Read more

    The Future of Money (Part 1): with Brett Scott

    Today I’m talking with Brett Scott, author and specialist in the money system. Here’s his excellent YouTube channel, and I’ll add links to other things we talk about as well. Read more

    February forage of the month with Ruby Taylor

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 03-Feb-2021 | 2

    With the start of the ‘hungry gap’ a month away, Ruby Taylor of Native Hands shares her February forage of the month, starring early greens. Read more

    Help Lowimpact.org become a wiki, to provide more (and more relevant) information for visitors

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 31-Jan-2021 | 8

    We’ve been liaising with Simon Grant, of the P2P Foundation Wiki, and making plans for turning Lowimpact.org into a wiki. We already have a network of specialists who provide information for our topics and respond to visitors’ queries. We want to expand this network, as well as the number of topics we cover. Read more

    Keeping your tech ticking: how to extend the lifetime of your laptop

    Have a feeling your device is on its last legs and dreading the day you might have to consider buying a new one? Sophie Paterson shares top tips to keep your technological devices ticking, starting with how to extend the lifetime of your laptop. Read more

    Resources to accompany upcoming book on new economy built around mutual credit

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 24-Jan-2021 | 1

    I have a contract to produce a book about growing a new economy, in communities, with mutual credit at the core. This article is a listing of key resources: video interviews I’ve done with relevant people whilst researching the book, plus articles and websites providing additional information. Read more

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