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    Overview of TTIP, and why Europeans are very unhappy about it

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Oct-2015 | 0

    I don’t know who slipped these anti-TTIP posters onto London Underground trains, but respect to them. If you don’t know about TTIP, here’s some basic information. Read more

    Communities in Scotland may soon be able to purchase land even if the landowner doesn’t want to sell; where do you stand?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 17-Oct-2015 | 18

    There are radical changes on the table when it comes to land ownership in Scotland. The Land Reform Scotland Bill is intended to address the huge disparity in land ownership in Scotland – but there is one clause that is making some people extremely hopeful, and other very worried. Read more

    Brighton’s iconic earthship: appeal for upgrade of energy and water systems

    Earthships are self-contained living vessels that don’t rely on mains water or energy from big companies. Earthships use natural systems to provide all their own utilities — solar energy for heat and power, and rain for water Read more

    The price of the average wedding is now over £20k; how to do it for much less and give the finger to ‘Brides’ magazine

    Flanked by an advert for the Ocean Club honeymoon resort in the Bahamas, with young bride and groom toasting a glass of champagne, Brides – “the UK’s number 1 bridal magazine” announces to its readers that “Planning your wedding starts here” Read more

    Rebels vs the Empire: why real life is like Star Wars

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 11-Oct-2015 | 5

    My brother is not politically or philosophically motivated, not particularly well read, and doesn’t keep up with current affairs. Most people are like that. Let’s call them ‘the mainstream’, if that’s not disrespectful. I don’t think it is – he’s my brother, after all. Read more

    One Planet Development arrested: my attempts to build a home on a smallholding in Wales

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 08-Oct-2015 | 123

    We moved to Wales because of an extraordinary Welsh Government policy. I shan’t lie, despite all experience and political conviction to the contrary, we were optimistic. One Planet Development seemed to be the kind of advance for low impact living and sustainable land use that we had been hoping for Read more

    Cycle lanes bring more revenue to local businesses than car parking spaces – so why do so many businesses think they don’t?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Oct-2015 | 1

    Here’s the story – Enfield borough has received £30 million in funding from Transport for London to install dedicated cycle lanes on some of its main roads, removing on-street parking, adding zebra crossings and trees. Read more

    How much should a loaf of bread cost?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 04-Oct-2015 | 10

    You can now get white sliced bread in supermarkets for around 50p a loaf; or you can get hand-baked, organic loaves from independent bakers for around £3.50. We can also bake our own bread. What’s the best option, do you think? Read more

    Career change: how I left software development to become a natural builder

    When I was young I wanted to do a lot of different things, but the core ambition was always to do something that would help our environment, not make it worse. Read more

    Class War vs Cereal Killer: is this the way to promote anarchism?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 29-Sep-2015 | 19

    You must know by now about Class War‘s ‘attack’ on hipster cereal cafe ‘Cereal Killer‘. It wasn’t much of an attack, to be honest – no-one was hurt and they were open again the next day. But were they right to target Cereal Killer in their anger about the gentrification of Shoreditch? Read more

    ‘Restart’ parties: prolong the life of your electrical goods and pick up some useful skills in the process

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 28-Sep-2015 | 0

    On Saturday I dropped into a ‘Restart’ party near to where I live in Tooting. If you don’t know what a Restart party is – they’re a group of techies who raise funds to be able to hold events in various locations where the public can turn up with broken electrical goods and be trained… Continue reading ‘Restart’ parties: prolong the life of your electrical goods and pick up some useful skills in the process Read more

    If Corbyn became PM, what would he really be able to achieve in this system?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 26-Sep-2015 | 2

    First, to reiterate something that has been pointed out on this site many times – the corporate empire is global and governments are national, and that fact alone means that national governments are in no position to challenge the corporate sector. Read more

    How do you fancy building your own small wind turbine?

    Robin Duval of V3 Power | 24-Sep-2015 | 12

    The UK has one of the world’s best wind resources, and exploiting it with small wind turbines is something that, in the right context, can be a very efficient source of power. Wind turbines, however, come with a fairly long list of handicaps when comparing them to other renewable technologies such as solar. Read more

    Wanted: new members for a co-operative farm – you are invited to an exploratory weekend

    You are invited to Ffynnon Teilo Farm Activity Weekend, to explore creating a co-operative farm – Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th of September. Activities will include: pond clearing, footpath and step renovation, fire making, campsite cooking and farm tour. Camping space available Saturday night. Read more

    EU Trade Commission suggests removal of corporations’ right to sue governments from TTIP negotiations; US very unhappy

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Sep-2015 | 0

    The biggest objection from the European public to the proposed TTIP trade deal (see here if you don’t know about it) is that multinational corporations will be able to sue elected governments (national or local) if it can be shown that legislation reduces corporate profits in any way. Read more

    This is what ‘transparency’ means when it comes to TTIP

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 18-Sep-2015 | 0

    Hilarious infographic by SumOfUs on what ‘transparency’ means in TTIP negotiations. But of course it isn’t funny at all. We’d like to see an economy of small businesses Read more

    Get inspired to grow your own food: visit gardens producing food in cities

    Edible Gardens Open Day is an annual event for Londoners to explore secret gardens, embark on an edible walking tour, or venture further afield to discover people growing in novel places. It’s now happening in other cities too.  Read more

    Want to experience what life is like in an intentional community?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 14-Sep-2015 | 13

    I joined Redfield Community in Buckinghamshire in 1996 and lived there for 13 years. It’s a Victorian mansion in 18 acres of woodland, fields, gardens and orchards – a registered housing co-op with around 15 adults and 8 kids on average, although people come and go. Read more

    Conversation with the ‘Moneyless Man’: our problems are way beyond policy changes – we need a new system

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 12-Sep-2015 | 23

    Mark Boyle, the ‘Moneyless Man‘ came to visit last Wednesday. It was the first time we’d met, although we’ve exchanged emails for years. As I suspected I would, I found him to be an inspirational character. Read more

    Seed saving: a great idea, and now’s the time to start thinking about it

    One of the pleasures of autumn is gathering seeds. It’s a hopeful optimistic act that conjures up thoughts of the next spring, and by and large it’s pretty simple act. Read more

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